OPIMx WEBINAR: New Perspectives on US dollar Denominated Funds (Chinese event) |
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to List OPIM, AllBright Law Offices, KPMG China and Harneys are holding a webinar to share the latest updates and guidance on fund structuring and operations, as running USD-denominated funds need to re-examine Cayman, BVI and other offshore structural arrangements upon the ever tightening regulations.
(Webinar will be conducted in Mandarin)
| Topic New Perspectives on US dollar Denominated Funds
| Agenda Panel discussion
| Speakers Carl Miao - Senior Partner, AllBright Law Offices
| Moderator Erin Wu - Senior VP, Head of Investor Relations, OP Investment Management
| Organizers AllBright Law Offices Harneys KPMG China OP Investment Management
| WIth the support of Beijing Private Equity Association Shenzhen Hedge Fund Association Jimu Playback of the webinar is now available on demand. SIGN UP here for the access!